Jul 9Liked by Amy Blickhan

Amy, I am still crying as I read this. Your ability to put all of yourself out there is truly amazing. I know you did everything you could for your Mom, I hope you are sure of it as well.

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Aw, thank you Sandy, I appreciate that. It takes a village, and I'm grateful for the amazing family village I'm fortunate to have.

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Jul 10Liked by Amy Blickhan

I kind of giggled on the 1st paragraph about Mee Maw and the tears were pouring out way before the end. So nicely written, Amy.

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I'm glad you appreciated the levity! And thank you!

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Jul 9Liked by Amy Blickhan

Magnificent. Heart-rendering.

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Thank you for reading, Alan!

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Simply beautiful...and you've moved me to tears. (((((hugs)))))

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Thank you Rhapsody!

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Aug 3Liked by Amy Blickhan

Amy, I had read the first few sentences and had to walk away, I was not ready. You have such a beautifully written view of loss. Thank you for writing this. My tears are for you and your loss, they are for me and my loss. I miss my mom everyday. Thank you my friend. Thank you. I love you.

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Thank you so much, Loi. I know you miss your mom terribly and I'm so sorry. I appreciate you getting through this and taking the time to comment. I know it wasn't easy and I'm grateful for you and your kind words.

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Jul 26Liked by Amy Blickhan

Thank you for sharing this. As tears continue to fall, I feel so much of this. Incredibly written, Amy.

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Thank you for reading, Steph! #heartsup

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Jul 17Liked by Amy Blickhan

Beautiful and equally moving the second time around. Keep going. You have a great gift with words and stories, friend. We want more, please.

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Thank you for your help, support, and friendship on this journey!

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This hit me hard. Reminds me of a quote I love from Beth Pickens (Make Your Art No Matter What): “Grief can, for some, be cumulative; feeling acute grief of a recent loss can tap into deep wells of older grief.” Last year when I lost my beloved dog Jimmy, I cried the hardest I ever have. For weeks. I still do sometimes. And I’ve always felt like losing him gave me an outlet to pour all kinds of other grief I’ve been holding onto. Mandi Panda was a very lucky girl!

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I so appreciate you sharing your thoughts! Not only is that a great quote that captures the essence of the piece, but your comments also hit me in that the purpose of this newsletter is working. That we discover similar journeys and take comfort in knowing we aren't walking the path alone. Thank you for sharing part of yours.

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Jul 11Liked by Amy Blickhan

You write beautifully, Amy. Vivid storytelling is a gift!

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Dee! I appreciate you taking the time and your support!

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Jul 10Liked by Amy Blickhan

This one made my eye balls watery

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Aw, thanks for reading and commenting, Buddy!

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My gosh, Amy, thank you for being strong enough to share your grief so openly and talented enough to articulate your process so well. This dual journey is so moving in all the important ways not only for you but for us as we read your words. You’ve helped me gain new insights to my own process, and I appreciate you so much.

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Wow, Kevin, thank you for saying all that. I'm deeply touched. It means so much to me to hear that sharing this story opened up something within you. We are same, indeed.

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Oh, without question! I’m so glad our paths have joined.

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